3.10 Save Card Only Journey (Optional)

Table 19. Save New Card without Payment HTML Post End–Point
URL Type URL Value
Test (QA) Post Endpoint https://qa.vodacompaymentgateway.co.za/PaymentPage/Card
Live (PROD) Post Endpoint https://psp.vodacompaymentgateway.co.za/PaymentPage/Card

3.10.1. Request

Table 20. Save New Card without Payment Form Fields
Field Name
(max length)
EncIV String O Random string used by merchant used as the Initialisation Vector to encrypt the message passed in encXML/encJSON and used by Vodacom to decrypt the message Mandatory if encType is TWOFISH or AES.
EncType String O This is encryption algorithm the merchant has elected to use. Permitted Values: AES BLOWFISH (Recommended) TWOFISH (if omitted default value is BLOWFISH)
EncXML String O The encrypted XML Transaction object created in step 1 and 2 must be passed in this field. (Mandatory if encrypted payload is XML)
EncJSON String O The encrypted JSON Transaction object created in step 1 and 2 must be passed in this field. (Mandatory if encrypted payload is JSON)
EncIterations Numeric O Number of iterations used to derive the key (along with the salt and stored encryption key) using password-based key derivation functionality, PBKDF2 Mandatory if encType is TWOFISH or AES.
EncSalt String O Random string used by merchant to salt the password used to encrypt the message passed in encXML/encJSON and used by Vodacom to decrypt the message Mandatory if encType is TWOFISH or AES
Username String M Merchant Technical users VPG account username.
RedirectUrl String O Redirect URL for unsuccessful transactions.
Overrides existing URL if value is passed.
See 3.7.3. Merchant Notification POST Fields
Note, this is a synchronous HTTPS POST that happens on Form submit from the client's browser.
TransactionCompletedUrl String O Response URL for successful transactions. Overrides existing URL if value is passed.
See 3.7.3. Merchant Notification POST Fields
Note, this is a synchronous HTTPS POST that happens on Form submit from the client's browser.

Figure 24. Save–Card Encoded Html Form Pre–Encrypted XML/JSON

Table 21. Save New Card without Payment Pre–Encrypyted XML/JSON fields
Field Name
(max length)
MerchantIdentifier String M Random string used by merchant used as the Initialisation Vector to encrypt the message passed in encXML/encJSON and used by Vodacom to decrypt the message Mandatory if encType is TWOFISH or AES.
CustomerIdentifier String M The unique id sent to the payment gateway if sent by the merchant.
MerchantReference String [20] M This is the unique value that is used by the Merchant to identify the transaction on his system.
PayserverUsername String M Merchant Technical users VPG account username.
PayserverPassword String M Merchant Technical users VPG account password.
PayserverAlias String M Merchant Technical users VPG account alias link with merchant.
TransactionStatusCallbackUrl ^ String(256) M This is the URL to which asynchronous callbacks are sent.
See 3.7.4. Asynchronous Call–back.
Note, in order for this to function, firewall ports must be opened on the Payment Gateway to post–back to your server.
This server–to–server post–back has built in guaranteed delivery and retry queuing until an HTTP 200 response is received from the merchant.
TransactionStatusCallbackFormat String(4) O This is the structure of the format in which the asynchronous callback message is sent as a URL encoded form.
Permitted values:
(if omitted default is XML)
TransactionStatusCallbackMethod String(4) O This is the format in which the asynchronous callback message is sent:
Permitted values:
(if omitted default is GET)
Figure 25. Save Card Pre–encrypted JSON Payload
Figure 26. Save Card Pre–encrypted XML Payload

